Devilish tricks (If a devil…)
Imagine all the world
was a podium.
For a second, suspend all logic
and imagine.
A magician stands
on his stage.
He waves his wand,
"Abra Cada!"*****
*Fear. Pain, Plenty-a-gain. All real. All fake.
*Disaster. Politic Dim-a-star, Miss-a-path.
*Flash-bang. Thunder and Lightning.
*Decapitation. Evil and parting perverted Blood-seas.
*Much talk, flowery words, and media-jive.
Distracts with music and lights
Eyes on the assistant: maiden with curvy lines
Vile glint in his eye
In time, he displays his most beautiful grin
Letting none see the truth.
The devil only has about
-oh-just that one trick.
Evil's stint is to open a gash-ocean
to distract from all his little death-pricks.
©2020 by Ayo Okikiolu.
A lot of big things happen in our world today. I wondered if the truly significant occurrences occur just out of sight. Much evil has probably gone unnoticed under our own noses because we pay so much attention to that which is heavily publicized.