Sing, One Must.
I’ve been
singing a tune that never ends
singing and singing and singing and singing
by living and breathing, dreaming and speaking
Singing is the only thing I’ve been doing.
To wake is to sing
A breath, my first note:
Bathe, I pray!
Or ignore the alarm today?
Opera, or a folk-sounding tale?
I think and I sing
Good tunes, Bad dins
Beautiful compositions delivered horribly
Tragedi tunes and bouts of comedi
All dwell in the space behind my lips.
In Allegory and Simplicity, then I speak
tunes of praise and that of glory
musical fails and things that are holy
evil words that end with gory
Sing on, not or lovely.
Walk to the market; drive to the school
Fly through the internet; Break all the rules
Birds and animals care little of my talent
Nature is concerned only about my rent
Blankets of shame, many songs of regret.
Yet ahhhh,
When my song is a patter an’ the the tunes of life, incredulous,
Sped on and on, past both wondrous and non-momentous,
Remaining one steeped in important and superfluous
I am the very model of a simple person who sings
Within memes in moments where it seems
my thoughts are trapped in crowd-seams
within garments of thoughts that Popular screams
like the sort of songs people sing blindly for teams
represent my life as-Ole, ole, ole, ole. Ole! Ole!
A life of the troubadour is my only duty
because ‘ere and ther’, everyone on earth sings
although we all sing the same different things
Stars, Normo’s, Losers, and Has-Beens
have the exact same obligation to be.
To be is to be a bard,
composing tunes with intention or not
hum, scream, pout, or read robotic lyrics
with enormous skill or overcome with tics
alone, in duo, or trio, or choral pius.
An action---sing. A relationship---sing.
A fight---sing. Love---sing. Sleep---sing.
In the morn, at nite and midday
As I stand and as I delay
I sing
A cacophony, euphony, symphony, homophony, polyphony of existence
Which is it?
Which is it?!
Which is it?!!
Makes zero sense.
I recognise a phony.
My heart does then recompense
This melodic, requisite life-incense
Now and Hence...
One must.
©2020 by Ayo Okikiolu.